The most threatened species in the Mediterranean Sea

Marine Life

The most threatened species in the Mediterranean Sea

Written by Scuba Turtles   |   31 March 2023


Although the Mediterranean Sea is an orchard ecosystem with about 7% of the world’s fish species and the world’s second largest biodiversity, the number of threatened species is constantly increasing. In accordance with Maritime Crimes “More than 8% of Mediterranean fish species are affected”.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature have developed a list of endangered species. The Mediterranean Red List is managed by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation. Nearly 700 scientists from across the region have contributed to the Mediterranean Red List of Species.

This Red List points that there are 14 species critically endangered. Let us show you some of them.

1. Sharks

Six shark species are on the Red List, making them one of the most threatened. Annually, the region catches 1.5 million tons of fish for international trade. These activities have resulted in the destruction of reef systems and the depletion of essential fish stocks. Therefore, to protect the important role that sharks play in the Mediterranean ecosystem, drastic measures must be taken to reduce commercial fishing and prevent the destruction of their habitats.

The critically endangered list include: three different types of Angel Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Great Hammerhead and School shark. Read more on ocean conservation and shark protection in Greece here.

2. Rays

For rays, the biggest threat is also the fishing industry. Six species were red-listed between 2015 and 2020, and the population continues to decline. Two types of Eagle Rays (Common and Duckbill), Maltese Ray, Lusitanian Cownose Ray and two types of Guitarfish are now in the critical endangered category.


3. Sea Turtles

Over the past decade, sea turtles have been protected, and some have shifted from endangered to vulnerable. The Hawksbill turtle was not that lucky and is on the list of species in critical danger of extinction. A few of the biggest threats are tourism, aquaculture, and oil drilling.

If you wish to know how you could help protect this species in Greece, visit this Archelon page they need any help they can get.

4. Sturgeon

This species is known to be the offspring of earlier acipenseriform fish, which date from the early Jurassic period. Being aware of this fact, it is really sad to learn that there are four different species of sturgeon on the EC List: Ship Sturgeon, Stellate Sturgeon, Adriatic Sturgeon and Russian Sturgeon. Besides the other threats, we also encounter alteration of the natural system such as dams and other problematic diseases that have emerged over the past years.


There is a lot of work to be done to protect our oceans, and all we need to do is learn about them. We need more legislation and protected areas to recover species at risk. It is up to us to help our sea get back on its feet. If you would like to find out more about the Mediterranean Sea and its species, we have the right course for you here.

How Scuba Diving may improve your health

Scuba Diving

How Scuba Diving may improve your health

Written by Scuba Turtles   |   12 February 2023


There are numerous reasons why people enjoy this sport, from discovering the unknown and admiring magnificent aquatic wildlife to making new friends and creating memories that will last a lifetime. But what happens if we told you that scuba diving is indeed beneficial for your health?

If you’re wondering whether you should start a sport or remain sedentary, let us convince you why you should try scuba diving and how you will benefit from it.

1. Decreases blood pressure and enhances blood circulation

When we spend time underwater, our body try to get used and adapt to the gradient pressure. Each one of your muscles require more oxygen to perform normally, so your blood vessels dilate to allow this. Furthermore, our bodies adapt to this pressure by slowing down our breathing in order to reduce air consumption, and this has been shown to help by lowering our blood pressure. A good diver must breathe deeply and slowly and several studies now presume that regular divers are less inclined to suffer from a heart attack or stroke.

2. Boost your bone health

Diving generally requires being outdoors and exposed to sunlight. Fortunately, the sun is the body’s primary source of Vitamin D. This Vitamin is essential for our health, but getting enough of it from food can be difficult. Therefore, getting enough vitamin D increases the body’s calcium intake, which is necessary for healthy bones and teeth.


3. Improves your fitness and flexibility

Can it be a better sport than the one that gets you in shape with a relaxing workout? As you effortlessly float underwater, the movements you make put all your muscles to work against the water’s resistance.This motion increases the heart rate, invigorates muscles and builds stamina and strength. Furthermore, underwater activity is easier for joints and ligaments as well.

Learning how to dive and relax the body and mind enables your muscles to ease and thereby increase your flexibility.

4. Lowers stress levels and strengthen mental health

As previously mentioned, breathing control and diving are a whole. Some may call diving a form of meditation. Meditation, like diving, is well known for the relaxed mental status that can provide. Helps ease stress levels, control anxiety, reduce age-related memory loss, combat addictions and promote emotional health and self-consciousness.


Ready to discover the health benefits of scuba diving by yourself? Go ahead and sign up for a course at Scuba Turtles and start learning today with PADI eLearning.

Top 5 beaches near Navarino Bay


Top 5 beaches near Navarino Bay

Written by Scuba Turtles   |   12 Sep 2022

aerial photo of divari beach in messenia

Greece is one of the leading holiday destinations in the world, with more than 30 million tourists visiting each year. Being the thirteen most visited country in 2022, it is difficult to find regions and beaches where mass tourism is not the norm. If you are in search of a more unique and peaceful Greek experience, you might consider the Peloponnese and especially Messenia as your ideal destination. Discover with us the top 5 beaches near Navarino Bay

Here we have a list of our favorite beaches near the Navarino bay area to show you that continental Greece has nothing to envy to the Greek islands.

aerial photo of voidokilia beach in messenia

1. Voidokilia Beach

Ranked as one of the finest beaches in the whole county, Voidokilia have all the features that will make you fall in love. The unusual shape of the bay, like the Greek omega character, makes it the most Instagramable beach, but this is not all. Sandy dunes and shallow aquamarine waters make it an ideal place to protect against wind and waves. If you have enough strength after swimming around, thrust yourself into a short trek to the Pylos old castle, Paleocastro, on top of the hill and visit the Nestor cave on the way up.

man surfing in lagkouvardos beach in messenia

2. Lagkouvardos Beach

Few places in the region are suitable for surfing, which is where Lagkouvardos stands out. The two-kilometre golden sandy coastline is commonly frequented by surfing and windsurfing enthusiasts. Although famous for wind and waves, this beach is ideal for beginners because of the lack of strong currents. You can always protect from the sun by the beautiful pine trees that surround the area, as well as experience beautiful sunsets late on the afternoon.

sunset photo of romanos beach in messenia

3. Romanos Beach

Also known by the locals for the name of Glyfadaki, this shore is perfect if you seek for space and silence. At the edges of the beach you can find local beach bars with sun loungers, but if you walk in the middle, you will practically be alone. High sandy dunes, nests of sea turtles, with the potential of witnessing baby sea turtles hatching, make Romanos beach a unique place in the whole Messenia region.

petrochori beach in messenia

4. Petrochori Beach

On the far end of Glyfadaki is Petrochori Beach. This part is famous for its unique landscape. Here you can find high sand dunes and turquoise clear waters. You can witness beautiful sunsets with a cocktail in your hand from the many options Petrochori has to offer. If Snorkeling is your thing, a beautiful rocky cove next to Petrochori beach is waiting for you to explore!

aerial photo of divari beach and sfakteria in messenia

5. Divari Beach

Divari also known as Chrysi Akti is located next to Gialova and right across Pylos town. It’s a beach of incredible natural beauty, overlooking the bay of Navarino. Behind you can find the lagoon of Gialova where you can witness beautiful Flamingos. Thousands of birds flying to Africa in autumn, stop at the Gialova lagoon to rest and “refuel” for the last time before the long journey of 3000 km over the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara desert.

The beach of Divari has a total length of about 4 km, starting from Gialova and ending at a small beautiful beach, where the path to Voidokilia and the path to Paliokastro begin. At the end of the beach, you can reach the beach of Sfaktiria by swimming!

The beach of Divari is located in a protected area of the Natura 2000 network.

8 Facts about the Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Marine Life

8 Facts you need to know about Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Written by Scuba Turtles   |   10 Aug 2022

loggerhead turtle swimming underwater

The loggerhead sea turtle, also known as Caretta Caretta, is found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. This turtle lives most of their lives in saltwater. Only females come ashore to lay eggs.

The loggerhead sea turtle has a low reproductive rate, the age of sexual maturity (within 17–33 years) plus the short lifespan of this kind of sea turtle (47–67 years), have put them on the list of Endangered Species.

Let us give you some curious facts about this turtle that inhabit the coast of the Ionian Sea, and win the space on the logo of our dive center.

1. The biggest hard-shelled turtle

You got that right, loggerhead sea turtle in the largest hard-shell sea turtle in the world. There are seven types of sea turtle, the largest being the leatherback turtle. However, leatherback turtles have a soft shell, making Caretta Caretta the largest of its kind. Despite the fact that Mediterranean loggerheads are smaller on average than other loggerhead sea turtles.

2. Under the protection of the Endangered Species

Caretta Caretta was originally listed as an endangered species in 1973. Several factors have placed this turtle on the list. Loss of nesting habitat due to holidays and human tourism patterns is the greatest threat. This in combination with turtles trapped in fishing nets or ingesting other plastics make humans the primary enemy for their survival.

Greece is the most popular nesting site along the Mediterranean, due to legislation on the protection of nesting areas, with more than 3000 nests annually. Being, Zakynthos and Kyparissia Bay, the biggest Mediterranean breeding grounds.


3. Salty Tears

Did you ever wonder how the sea turtles keep their osmotic balance? The loggerhead sea turtle has a lachrymal gland behind each eye that eliminates the excess salt gained from ingesting sea water. When they exiting the water, this secretion gives the impression that the turtle is crying.

4. Female Fights

While female aggression is unusual in marine vertebrates, it is fairly common in Caretta Caretta. The ritualized fight over feeding grounds can go from a simple threat to a full battle with different results. Make sure you stay away if you ever encounter one!


5. Too cold to swim!

If you are a big fun of movies and blanket winter days, you will understand this turtle. When the water gets too cold (13 to 15ºC), the loggerhead comes in a lethargic state. Floating in the same position for up to 7 hours, coming up to breathe for only 7 minutes, the longest dives recorded for marine vertebrates that breathe air.

6. Who is the father?

This kind of turtle has a differs way to see paternity. Females have sperm storage, where they can hold sperm from different males until ovulation. Multiple fatherhood is frequent along sea turtles, having the same hatch different fathers.


7. Baby Boom

The first reproduction of loggerhead turtles takes place between 17 and 33 years of age, with a mating period of two months. Using a mating-induced ovulation that is rarely seen outside mammals, the female fertilized the eggs. The average female will produce 4 clutches of 112 eggs each, before becoming two to three years tranquil without producing eggs.

Breeding grounds grow annually around the Ionian coast of Greece, thanks to the creation of protected areas and the support of the Conservation Organizations.

You can see baby turtles hatching on all of Messinia’s nesting beaches from July through September.

8. Tell me what you eat…

As human beings, the sea turtles are omnivorous. Their main food is sea-bottom invertebrates, but there are other curious meals on their menu. For example, the famous jellyfish, Portuguese men of war, squids, corals and even hatching turtles from their own species.

Now that you have all the information, it’s time to take a plunge and go swimming and admire these creatures by your side.

Top destinations for Scuba Diving in Greece

Scuba Diving

Top destinations for Scuba Diving in Greece

Written by Scuba Turtles   |   03 Aug 2022

As one of the most touristic destinations in the Mediterranean, Greece remains unknown for its underwater treasures. Being an archipelago with thousands of kilometers of coastline and a rich background of nautical history. Surprisingly, until 2020, when a new law was enacted, recreational diving was prohibited in many areas with fear of unique archaeology and antiquities been plundered. The new laws has opened up the gates to numerous wrecks, submerged archaeological sites and unique marine sanctuaries. But remember, if you find anything that resembles an artifact or even the fragment of one, you can look at it but leave it behind. Discover with us the top destinations for Scuba Diving in Greece.

Greece is also the ideal destination when it comes to diving conditions, calm and crystal clear waters with an average visibility of 20 to 30 meters. In addition, the temperature of the water varies between 20ºC and 26ºC during the diving season (April-October).

Let us recommend you some our of favorite sites around the country, that could easily be on the top list of Mediterranean dive sites.

1. ALONNISOS and the “Parthenon of Shipwrecks”

Alonnisos Marine National Park is the first of its kind in Greece and the largest European marine protected area. It was created to protect the Mediterranean monk seal and its natural habitat, along with significant archaeological discoveries.

It also houses the first Greek underwater museum, the Peristera shipwreck, which opened to diving enthusiasts in 2019. This ancient merchant ship sunk 2.500 years ago due to the bad weather while carrying four thousand wine amphorae. This discovery had a great impact on the understanding of archaeologists, since it is the largest vessel of its time ever found.

2. Elephant’s Cave (CRETE)

If you found yourself in the Drepano area of Akrotiri you must dive Elephant’s Cave. The cave features beautiful white and red stalactites and stalagmites. Further into the cave, you will find fossilized remains (vertebrae, teeth and tusks) of extinct elephants from the Ice Age. And if you’re in luck, maybe you could see a monk seal.

3. HMHS Britannic wreck

Better known as the Titanic’s sister ship. Britannic was a hospital ship in WWI until it sank in 1916 after hitting a mine deployed by a German submarine. Today, it rests at 100m depth close to Kea Island on the Aegean Sea, and can only be visited by technical divers with the right permits. The spectacular 270 meter wreck was discovered in 1975 by Jacques Cousteau and it is the largest intact passenger ship on the seabed.

4. Navarino Bay and Proti Island

Navarino Bay, famous for the nautical battle during the War of Independence, houses a variety of wrecks with interesting artifacts. This is why the Greek government is planning to open one of the first two Underwater archeological parks in the Bay.

Along this coastline, where the loggerhead turtles return every year to lay their eggs, we find the island of Proti, an unspoiled diving paradise with stunning reefs, rock formations, canyons and caverns filled with colorful sponges and exquisite marine life. There is something special about this place that goes unnoticed by most. It is a hidden gem that is worth exploring.

5. Zakynthos

The turquoise waters of Zakynthos make this Ionian Island a famous holiday destination in the Mediterranean. It is also ideally suited for divers of all levels. Gerakas beach, known as the breeding ground for endangered loggerhead turtles, makes the Ionian Sea and above all Zakynthos a paradise for sea turtles. Be sure to dive along the coast of Keri, where you can find multiple dive sites, from cave to steep walls, with a wide array of marine life and clear waters.